Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

When will I receive my item?

Please allow up to 7 business days for order verification and processing, and an additional 2-4 weeks for production. Production time on some items may vary during busy time periods since we are dependent suppliers.


How are shipping rates calculated?

Shipping rates are calculated at checkout based on your location. 


Are there extra fees for international shipping?

International customers may incur additional charges upon delivery. Our international shipping fees do not include the destination country’s, tax, duty or customs fees. If applicable, these will be assessed upon delivery.

Customs can sometimes delay deliveries for weeks so delivery times are estimated but not guaranteed.


What if my item is damaged or lost?

For us to provide the best customer service, any concerns regarding orders must be received in writing at within 15 days of receiving the order. Please preserve the original packing materials and include pictures in your email. Our team will circle back with the next steps.



All sales are final. We do not issue refunds, accept cancellations, or allow exchanges to be made. On a case-by-case basis under extenuating circumstances, at our discretion, if we determine a refund is warranted, a 5% fee will be deducted from the refund. All shipping fees are non-refundable. If in any instance a refund is granted, credit cards will be refunded in CAD at the exchange rate effective at the time of the refund. The cardholder assumes all responsibility for any fluctuations in the exchange rate and/or fees levied by their bank.


Customer Privacy 

All information you provide to us when ordering will only be used to give you status updates on your order and contact you in the event of unforeseen issues.

Subscribers to our mailing list will only receive Delsol-related announcements such as product drops and collection updates and may unsubscribe at any time.

We’ll never sell or give out your information to a third party.